Khairy Jamaluddin, Please Stop Acting Like Beruk

It seems Khairy Jamaluddin is eating his own words with people still have fresh memories of what have been uttered.

Remember this, Khairy Jamaluddin on BERSIH issue back in 2007?

You were saying?

Khairy Jamaluddin (or famously known as KJ) condemned those who would join the rally. KJ labelled them as “beruk” on the streets. This has been recalled back by Bersih. Among others it was said by KJ:

‘Don’t act like monkeys’

Khairy said it was hypocritical for opposition parties to hold the rally because they had previously contested in several polls under the same system.

“They claim that electoral process is not clean. Then why contest in 2004 (general election)? They boycotted Batu Talam (by-election), but they contested (later) in Machap and Ijok (by-elections).

Don’t be like monkeys (beruk) on streets. If you want to fight, fight in the real ring like a man. During the general elections, we (Umno Youth) will fight and we will win!” exclaimed Khairy to roaring chants of approval from delegates.

Khairy added that Umno Youth chief Hishammuddin Hussein could rally as many youth wing members to face those at the Bersih rally.

But, brothers. This is not the proper way. That is not the way taught by Hishammuddin. If we face them, we could spark a uneasy situation.

“It’s bad enough that they gather and cause inconvenience to the public. If we face them, it would cause a confrontation that can cause chaos (huru hara),” he added.

KJ has said it was not a proper way. And yes, it is not a proper way. The reasoning provided was indeed welcomed. The rally would and will always be caused uneasy situation and trouble for Malaysians and those directly and indirectly affected. The speech indeed touched the concern on by passers who certainly did not want such trouble and hassle.

Now, in 2011, KJ is now recommending to act like the beruks on the street like he labelled before. Yes, Khairy Jamaluddin is different from Hishamuddin. That year (2007), KJ said it is not what Hishamuddin taught Pemuda to be.

Since KJ is now the UMNO Youth Chief, I supposed that KJ is teaching Pemuda UMNO to act like beruk/monkeys that he labelled before. Worse, acting against the group he condemned before – BERSIH.

Will Pemuda UMNO follow KJ’s recommendation? Will Pemuda UMNO act like beruk/monkeys?

If they are, UMNO can say goodbye to GE13. This will be one of the downfall of UMNO and Barisan Nasional. KJ is shooting UMNO from all angels that he can.

I do not know what he has learnt duirng his stay in Wataniah, but I’m pretty sure he has misunderstood things. Why? Army hardly go against those in senior ranks, especially rank no 1 and no 2. Clearly, KJ is going against no. 1 and no. 2 in UMNO ranks.

KJ, please stop acting like beruk. I know you have declared you want to retire for a while….


Are you actually meant the retirement is actually for ALL Barisan Nasional leaders???

Question on the street: Who is the beruk now????

4 thoughts on “Khairy Jamaluddin, Please Stop Acting Like Beruk

  1. KJ the Beruk…..
    mamat KJ ni la beruk teori Charles Darwin.

    KJ telah banyak membawa mudarat kepada politik di Malaysia, serta memburukkan nama UMNO. Beliau patut meletak jawatan dan berhenti dari politik selama-lamanya.
    KJ adalah liabiliti UMNO..KJ perosak negara.

You are part of people on the street. My opinion might not as good as yours. Come, please share your thoughts with us!!!